Extra-Ordinary General Meeting

The Secretary of the Suncorp Social Club Committee has called an extra-ordinary General Meeting of the Association to approve changes to the club constitution to allow for existing members who are transitioning to ANZ as part of the sale of the Bank.

Proposed Constitution- SUNCORP SOCIAL CLUB INCORPORATED – 2024

Proxy Form 2024

The intent of the proposed changes:

To allow Bank members who are existing social club members and remain employed by SML/ANZ to retain their existing membership for 2 years from 1 August 2024.

There is no changes to the operation of the club for Suncorp Group staff and contractors remaining with the group.

The wording to enable this would be under section 4.1 and 5.2 of the constitution:

“In addition, members of the association who were ordinary members at 1 August 2024 and have subsequently transitioned employment to SML Ltd as a component of the sale of Suncorp Bank to Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd (“ANZ”) may retain membership of the association for a 2 year transitionary period which will expire on 1 August 2026 or at which point they cease employment with SML/ANZ.”

“Members of the association who retain membership through their employment by SML Ltd / ANZ will not be subject to the payment of any fees to retain their membership.”

In addition Section 36 – Grievance Procedures – has been added in order to comply with requirements from Queensland Fair Trading.


Friday 28th July 2024. 12 Midday Brisbane Time

VR-B HL80A 16P L18 04

If you wish to attend via Teams please contact Mark Stutz for an invite.